12 Lessons Diabetes Poster Bundle
- Exercise Poster
- Want to Lose Poster
- Getting Started Poster
- Diabetes Risk Check List Poster
- Food Label Poster
- Managing Diabetes ABC Poster
- How to Carb With Diabetes Poster
- Fill Your Plate the Healthy Weigh Poster
- Snack Smart Poster
- The Way to Eat With Diabetes Poster
- Start Your Day With Breakfast Poster
- Beware of SOFAS Poster
You get 12 posters for just $99. If you bought each poster separately you would pay $215. Save over 50% and get free shipping.
About the 12 Lessons of Diabetes Program:
- the pros and cons of diabetes medications
- tips for proper wound care
- how to choose a glucose meter
- a guide to special foot care
12 Very Relevant Lessons...
This lesson is part of a new comprehensive diabetes education program by Food and Health Communications, Inc. All topics can be taught individually or as part of the 12 lesson program. All lessons also reflect the health messages provided by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate. The topics are designed to support today’s consumers and aid them in understanding diabetes, enabling them to live a lifestyle that promotes balance and good health.
Lesson 1 - Diabetes 101 and Risk Factors
This session will help you evaluate your diabetes risk and take steps to reduce it, whether or not you already have diabetes. We will discuss the major types of diabetes and ways to determine whether you already have diabetes (7 million Americans already have it and don’t know it). From there, you’ll learn about diabetes risk factors and how to change your lifestyle in order to reduce your health risks.
Lesson 2 - Motivation and Smart Goal Setting
This session will help you set and achieve goals that will lead to better management of diabetes or reduced diabetes risk. Together we will discuss the effects of lifestyle improvements on blood sugar and diabetes risk, explore different health and fitness goals, review approaches to setting and maintaining achievable goals, and track your progress as you pursue your goals.
Lesson 3 - Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and You
This session will help you learn about blood pressure and cholesterol, along with the effects of hypertension and/or high blood cholesterol on your body. Together, we will discuss the impact of diabetes, high blood pressure, and high blood cholesterol on heart disease risk, as well as explore ways to reduce high cholesterol and high blood pressure levels, crafting a plan for making those changes in your life.
Lesson 4 - The Whys and Hows of Weight Management
This session explores why weight management is important and how you can manage your weight successfully. It includes a rundown of how to measure BMI and waist circumference, along with a look at the effects of high BMI and waist circumference on your health. We’ll also review tips for successful weight management, laying out diet and exercise strategies to help you take control of your weight.
Lesson 5 - Exercise to Lose and Control Weight
This session will help you learn about the many benefits of exercise, especially as it relates to diabetes, good health, and weight loss. We will discuss the importance of exercise, the effect of physical activity on your body, and the connection between exercise and blood sugar control. Plus, this session will be packed with simple and fun exercise ideas.
Lesson 6 - Healthful Eating with Diabetes
This session will review tips and tricks for eating healthfully with diabetes. We will discuss the types of foods to eat or skip, the effects of various foods on your blood sugar, and the keys to a balanced meal schedule. Plus, this session will address the warning signs of hypoglycemia, as well as ways to prevent it.
Lesson 7 - The Benefits of a Healthful Breakfast
During this session, you will get the tools you need in order to plan and prepare healthful breakfasts. Together we will discuss the importance of healthful, balanced breakfasts in terms of diabetes prevention and in terms of improving quality of life for people with diabetes. We’ll also review a variety of tips and tricks for preparing healthful breakfasts, even when you’re pressed for time. Plus, everyone can evaluate breakfast recipes and learn how to prepare several tasty options.
Lesson 8 - Make a Diabetes Plate
During this session, you will take a closer look at the basics of balancing plates at each meal, reviewing the components and ratios that make healthful eating with diabetes easier. After all, eating healthful meals comes down to building a balanced plate. You’ll also take a look at ways to make tasty lunches and dinners that are both simple and straightforward.
Lesson 9 - Carbohydrate Counting and Label Reading
During this session, you will learn to read Nutrition Facts labels, using that information to balance your carbohydrate consumption and improve your diet. We will review the basics of carbohydrates, focusing on which carbs to choose and the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar. We’ll also explore common serving sizes and exchanges, along with strategies for reading Nutrition Facts labels and determining whether or not a product is healthful.
Lesson 10 - Shop Smart
During this session, you will explore healthful shopping habits. You’ll learn how to use smartphone apps to evaluate foods and create shopping lists while discussing the building blocks of healthful meals. This session also includes an exploration of how to assemble a balanced shopping list, along with discussions about healthful, effective shopping strategies.
Lesson 11 - Snack Right
During this session, you will learn how to plan and prepare healthful snacks. You’ll evaluate various snacks, determining whether or not they are healthful, while reviewing the impact of healthful snacking on blood sugar management. You can also explore recipes for tasty snacks, sampling different snack combinations.
Lesson 12 - Sugar Substitutes
During this session, you will learn about the pros and cons of using various sugar substitutes. You’ll determine whether you need to avoid sugar and, if so, in what context. You’ll also explore the aspects of a wide variety of nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners, evaluating the effects of various sugar substitutes. Sugar substitute options have exploded in grocery stores and health food stores.
BONUS FREE Appendix -
Use this information in the final lesson to answer questions about eating and medications, glucose testing and foot care.
There is also a graduation certificate you can pass along to attendees along with your contact information.